Sunday, February 26, 2012

My New Venture

Sunday 26 February
Now that I have more time and enough energy to spare, I want to do some writing about living.  I want to share, with anyone who is interested, some things that I have learned, some things that are important to me, some tips on lessons you may be learning at the moment, and, generally,  some things that can make your journey easier and more pleasant.  And, if there is a place for comments, I want to hear some of your thoughts on the same subjects and some responses to my thoughts.

The learning curve for me is the technical aspect of blogging, so bear with me until I get more used to it.  I just last week started writing on and I am enjoying it very much.  But that is more formal writing.  Blogging seems to me to be more personal as well as more off the cuff.

One of the first things I need to do is find out how to add my images to this blog.  I discovered some years ago a talent for photography, and as the technology has advanced, digital photography.  My current excitement is how to put the images with the written content in a way that enhances both.

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